Wednesday, November 11, 2009


faith based on the idea of science or mathematics.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comparison of Belief

In the Native American poem post you see that their beliefs are fairly simple and grounded around nature and things that have to do with the Earth. The Puritans believe that not everyone has the choice to go to heaven. They believe that god is going o save a select few people. There are big differences between these cultures solely because they were situated in different areas. The Native Americans don't believe that their has to be so much structure behind a creation theory. Nobody really knows how the world was created so I can imagine living as a Native American with no kind of history of things like the bible or a priest to give insightful information of the past. The Puritans on the other hand, sound like they have their religion down pact. For example, in Jonathan Edward's sermons he states that god is angry and there is no way to earn his grace. The way that he says that makes you aware that he feels strongly and believes in his heart that this is what happened. It sounds like they believe in it strongly and wont be changing their mind any time soon. I'm sure if you got the Chief and a Saint in the same room then they would clash, I'm not sure that they could have anything in common though.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Native American Literature

An ancient Chippewa tradition The dream net has been made For many generations Where spirit dreams have played.
Hung above the cradle board,Or in the lodge up high,The dream net catches bad dreams,While good dreams slip on by.
Bad dreams become entangled Among the sinew thread.Good dreams slip through the center hole,While you dream upon your bed.
This is an ancient legend,Since dreams will never cease,Hang this dream net above your bed,Dream on, and be at peace.
I believe that this poem is self explanatory and it is simple to understand. The Native Americans created a dream catcher that you hang over the designated sleeping place. Depending on what type of dream you have apparently triggers the net on the dream catcher to capture bad dreams and let good dreams pass through the net unscathed. It is originally designed with the intention of producing peaceful sleep.

GA Performance Standards


I believe what they are trying to make you understand is that you should be prepared for what your about to learn. Giving you insight on more complicated literary terms rather than using simple analogies. I'm guessing that they want us to become more intelligent while we learn, to improve things like reading pace and expanding our vocabulary.


The student will understand a variety of different kinds of literature relating them to what they know from either what they have learned before or what they have experienced in the past.