Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ELAALRL2-The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

  • The person identifies, thinks about, and uses what is learned from the works of american literature and gives proof directly from the source to back up understanding.


This was a very interesting story. I believe that the romantic parts in this story were when he fell "asleep" for like 20 years after helping a Dutch man carry his liquor and watching a game of 9 pins, and the part where he reaized things were different when he got back to town. Obviously a person cant sleep for that long without dying so that was kind of longshot, then he accepted the fact he had aged 20 years. After he got that all figured out he just went back to live with his daughter and her husband, i feel that that part was a bit romantic also.